Sunday, May 23, 2010

LISTENING NO. 14: Earthquakes

PREPARATION Let's do some prep work before actually listening to the video. Below you will find some definitions for some words that you might not be familiar with. Once you think you have understood all of the meanings, proceed with the listening.

snap verb (BREAK)

/snæp/ (-pp-)
[I or T] to cause something which is thin to break suddenly and quickly with a cracking sound
You'll snap that ruler if you bend it too far.
Some vandal's gone and snapped off my car aerial again.
[I] to suddenly become unable to control a strong feeling, especially anger
When she asked me to postpone my trip to help her move house, I just snapped (= got angry).

grind verb (RUB)

/graɪnd/ [T] (ground, ground)
to rub something against a hard surface, in order to make it sharper or smoother
She has a set of chef's knives which she grinds every week.
He ground down the sharp metal edges to make them smooth.
The car engine was making a strange grinding noise.
See also: grindstone
grind your teeth
to make a noise by rubbing your teeth together
She grinds her teeth in her sleep

rumble verb (SOUND)

/ˈrʌ ̩/
[I] to make a continuous low sound
Please excuse my stomach rumbling - I haven't eaten all day.
The tanks rumbled (= moved slowly, making a continuous noise)across the battlefield.

rumble noun

We could hear the rumble of distant guns/thunder.

drain (draining) verb (REMOVE LIQUID)

[I or T] If you drain something, you remove the liquid from it, usually by pouring it away or allowing it to flow away, and if something drains, liquid flows away or out of it
Drain the pasta thoroughly.
We drained the pond and filled it with fresh water.
Drain (off) any liquid that is left in the rice.
Don't bother drying the pans - just leave them to drain.
[T] If you drain a glass or cup, you drink all the liquid in it.

chasm noun

a very deep narrow opening in rock, ice or the ground
They leaned over the rails and peered down into the dizzying chasm below.
formal a very large difference between two opinions or groups of people
There is still a vast economic chasm between developed and developing countries.

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